
Full paper submission: Full Paper is requested for publication purpose.

The paper length should start from 4 full length pages per paper. When a paper exceeds 5 pages, the extra pages will be charged. Full Paper submissions should be strictly edited by following the conference template and limited to a maximum of ten (10) pages, in the 2-column format, including the bibliography and any possible appendices.

All submissions will be double-blind reviewed by the Committee on the basis of Relevance to the Conference, Originality Appropriateness of the research/study method, Innovation, Relevance and clarity of graphics and tables, Presentation. The paper content with quality is the most important part during the review.

Abstract submission: For presentation only purpose

Abstract submission should be better within around 300-400Words and should reflect the overall content of the paper including the problem to be resolved, the method to solve the problem, results and conclusions achieved,ect. It's better without figures and references. And there is no template for abstract submission, one pdf or word file with requirement is ok.

Copyright Transfer for publication:

The exclusive rights that are granted to authors are"to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts." In order to keep authors' rights for publication, By submitting the signed copyright transfer agreement, the publisher is permitted to publish (printed and on-line), advertise and sell the signed paper without further authorisation from the Authors.

Submission Method

Template Download

Official language of the conference for publication and oral presentation is ENGLISH. Therefore, abstracts and papers must be submitted in English. The ICSGE 2025 online submission system opens, cllick the below link to submit:  For any questions about the submission, please feel free to contact 

Academic Ethics: Read before submitting

Academic integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. This includes values such as avoidance of cheating or plagiarism; maintenance of academic standards; honesty and rigor in research and academic publishing. Each scholar should obey the rules. If not, the committee have the right to reject the paper directly when review the papers. Due to the update of database, but the publication process is long, if the press found the review paper is with plagiarism or content with high repetition rate, the press can reject the paper publication directly. The author will undertake all the responsibility.

Review Process Overview

1. Initial Screening: The conference organizers or program chairs perform an initial screening of the submitted papers. This screening process checks for compliance with the submission guidelines, formatting requirements, and relevance to the conference's scope. Papers that fail to meet these criteria may be desk-rejected without further review.

2. Peer Review: The accepted papers undergo a rigorous peer review process. The conference organizers assign each submitted paper to expert reviewers in the respective field. These reviewers are typically researchers or academics who are knowledgeable in the subject matter. The reviewers assess the quality, originality, significance, and clarity of the submitted papers. They provide feedback, comments, and scores to the conference organizers based on their evaluation.

3. Reviewer Selection and Blind Review: To ensure impartiality, the conference organizers employ a blind review process. This means that the identities of the authors and reviewers are kept anonymous during the review process. The conference organizers manage the communication between authors and reviewers, maintaining confidentiality.

4. Reviewer Recommendations: Based on the reviewers' assessments, reviewers provide recommendations for each paper. These recommendations can include acceptance, acceptance with minor revisions, major revisions and resubmission, or rejection. Reviewers often provide detailed comments and suggestions for improving the paper's quality.

5. Decision Making: The conference organizers or program chairs consider the reviewer recommendations and make the final decision on each paper. They may take into account the scores, comments, and overall feedback from the reviewers to determine whether a paper should be accepted or rejected. In some cases, there may be a review committee or program committee involved in making the final decision.

6. Notification to Authors: After the decision-making process is complete, the conference organizers notify the authors about the outcome of their paper's review. Accepted papers may require authors to make revisions based on the reviewers' comments before the final submission. Rejected papers receive feedback explaining the reasons for rejection.

7. Camera-Ready Submission: Authors of accepted papers are usually given a period to revise their papers based on the reviewers' feedback and prepare the final camera-ready version. This version typically incorporates the necessary changes and follows the conference's formatting guidelines.